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Basic Documents: Volume I, 2010 EditionWydanie: 2010 Wydawca: IMO Numer katalogowy IMO: IB001E Cena: 79,00 zł OpisThis edition incorporates amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization up to December 2009.
It also includes amendments to the Rules of Procedure of: - the Assembly up to December 2009; - the Council up to July 2009; - the Maritime Safety Committee up to June 2009; - the Legal Committee up to April 2009; - the Marine Environment Protection Committee up to March 2010; - the Technical Co-operation Committee up to June 2005; - the Facilitation Committee up to January 2009; and - Meetings under the London Convention, 1972 and the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention up to November 2006. Please see Errata and Supplement to this title at www.imo.org/Publications/SupplementsAndCDs/Pages/SupplementsInserts.aspx ISBN: 9789280115116 |